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Tell the story of every field

Saving crop insurers time and money by automating policy data capture and claims validation

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Case study

97.9% data accuracy on crop acres reporting and that’s not all…

ProAg partnered with PlanetWatchers to make use of our acreage reporting and wind damage analysis services. The goal was to provide in-season services that will increase data collection validation accuracy and speed. Using our extensive expertise, and highly efficient algorithms, we worked closely with ProAg to provide detailed CLU analysis at scale.

Planting date accuracy
That’s a 14% increase
Crop acres
An accuracy boost of 9%
Crop classification
Increased accuracy of 5%

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Focusing exclusively on North America’s crop insurance industry, we partner with our customers to automate policy data capture and claims validation

Our acreage reporting services can provide forecasted acreage reporting ahead of time, help reduce overheads with the automated collection of acreage reporting by July 1st and improve customer service by validating manually collected acreage reports.

Our claims validation services increase efficiency with detailed crop damage maps, including flood detection, that guide field inspections and help resolve claims quickly and fairly, improving customer service and we also help reduce overheads by saving time spent processing a claim.

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Latest webinar

The PlanetWatchers team and guest speakers from NASA Harvest discuss and evaluate the data from the Iowa Derecho Storm

PlanetWatchers CTO Roi Shilo, Director of NASA Harvest Inbal Becker-Reshef, and Medhi Hosseini share thoughts and insights on the differences in data results collated and methodology used to evaluate the data from the Iowa Derecho Storm. Find out how they see the future of remote sensing evolving to provide fast, accurate data from large-scale events such as the Derecho of 2020.

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What our customers say

“PlanetWatchers’ ability to tell the story of every field means that we save our AIP customers’ time and money. We build long-term partnerships with our customers, continually innovate and put the crop insurance industry first – meaning we can make a positive impact for AIPs, agents, and growers alike.”

Dominic Edmunds, CEO

Meet the team


Tell the story of every field

At PlanetWatchers, our mission is to tell the story of every field. Our services that enable ag monitoring are designed to enhance policy and claims validation, saving our customers time and money and providing accurate and reliable data that supports the North American ag insurance industry. We are committed to using our expertise, including SAR analysis to make a positive impact on the industry, helping insurers, agents, and growers be successful.

Read more about our approach
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